mono 7x11 pixel font
i know it sucks lol
times ive downloaded this font: 10
Weaving Score is a decorative font for musical notation. You can make ornamental musical scores with this font. The correspondence of notation and keys are shown below. You can download the HD image from this link:
This font is a collection of musical accidentals for uses in musical and music-theoretical contexts. The symbols should, at the very least, line up at a common line and have similar size to regular characters, so you can use them to express just about anything relating to musical pitch, particularly microtonal theory.
The set includes (in no logical order, my apologies):
- Regular accidentals up to triple sharp and triple flat
- Stein-Zimmerman quarter tone accidentals up to double-semi-sharp and double-semi-flat
- Accidentals with arrows, up to two arrows up/down on both sets of regular accidentals (up to double flat/sharp) and Stein accidentals (up to sesqui-sharp/sesqui-flat)
- Wyschnegradsky 72-EDO accidentals, up to 11/12-tone sharp and 11/12-tone flat
- Turkish accidentals used in the Turkish 53-EDO-esque system, as well as x-comma sharps and flats
- Persian quarter tone accidentals, should they be needed
- Heimholtz-Ellis Just Intonation accidentals up to 29-limit JI, as well as symbols for tempered notes
- Simple arrows. Just two arrows; one up, one down.
I am going to expand this font. Why not, after all? It is my best work so far.
Basic Latin
Latin Supplement
Latin Extended A
Latin Extended B
Latin Extended Additional
Latin Extended C
Latin Extended D
Latin Extended E
Latin Extended F
Latin Extended G
IPA Extensions
Spacing Modifier Letters
Phonetic Extensions
Phonetic Extensions Supplement
Modifier Tone Letters
Ancient Symbols
Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (only Latin, Symbols and Katakana)
Cyrillic (Basic)
Cyrillic Supplement
Cyrillic Extended A
Cyrillic Extended B
Cyrillic Extended C
Cyrillic Extended D
(Anbur/Old Permic)
Greek and Coptic
Greek Extended
Ethiopic Supplement
Ethiopic Extended
Ethiopic Extended A
Ethiopic Extended B
Armenian (Would really appreciate feedback)
Georgian Extended
Georgian Supplement
Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllables
Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllables Extended
Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended-A
Cherokee Supplement
Lisu Supplement
Zanabazar Square
Old Italic
Komi/Anbur/Old Permic
Pahawh Hmong
Old South Arabian
Old North Arabian
Glagolitic Extended
Old Turkic
Old Hungarian (Rovásírás)
Kayah Li
Caucasian Albanian
Masaram Gondi
Hangul Jamo
(only modern Hangeul for now, I am desperate for feedback here!)
Hangul Syllables (discontinued)
Hangeul Compatibility Jamo (only modern Hangeul for now)
Katakana Phonetic Extensions
Kana Supplement (only Katakana)
Kana Extended A (only Katakana)
Kana Extended B
Small Kana Extensions (only Katakana)
Bopomofo Extended
Yijing Hexagram Symbols
Vertical Forms
Small Form Variants
Tai Xuan Jing Symbols
Counting Rod Numerals
Enclosed CJK Letters and Months (Only Jamo, Syllables, Latin Characters and months)
CJK Symbols and Punctuation (non-Han) (incomplete)
Combining Diacritical Marks
Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement
Combining Diacritical Marks Extended
Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols
Combining Half Marks
General Punctuation
Supplemental Punctuation
Alphabetic Presentation Forms
Miscellaneous Symbols (discontinued)
Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs (discontinued)
Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs (only face emojis)
Symbols and Pictographs extended A (only face emojis)
Ornamental Dingbats
Miscellaneous Technical
Currency Symbols
Letterlike Symbols
Supplemental Arrows A
Supplemental Arrows B
Supplemental Arrows C
Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows (non-astrological)
Block Elements
Box Drawings
Geometric Shapes
Geometric Shapes Extended
Superscripts and Subscripts
Enclosed Alphanumeric
Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement
Control Pictures
Optical Character Recognition
Braille Patterns
Number Forms
Domino Tiles
Common Indic Number Forms
Mayan Numerals
Kaktovik Numerals
Musical Symbols (excl. Iranian, Kievan, and Gregorian notation)
Ancient Greek Musical Notation
Planned in the future:
CJK Symbols and Punctuation?
Mathematical Operators?
Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A?
Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B?
Supplemental Mathematical Operators?
Warang Citi
Pau Cin Hau
Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong
Symbols for Legacy Computing
Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (Hangul)
Hangul Jamo (full)
Hangul compatibility Jamo (full)
Hangul Jamo Extended-A?
Hangul Jamo Extended-B?
Offical MultiWorld² - Kurrac's Cryptography Code - n2
This font only uses letters (A > G) and (a > g)
This typeface converts your typing into musical notes. The idea is very simple and can create realistic looking sheet music. The font includes upper and lower case letters and numbers together with a treble-cleft with a time signature, a hash sign, dividing bars, an end bar and a double end bar.
Write your message on your word processor. You will need to use 48pt to have all the five staves showing up so keep your message short :)
Start each sentence with a treble-cleft which is the "&" key on your keyboard, it also adds a 4/4 time signature for authenticity. Upper case letters show as double notes, lower case and numbers as single notes. Numbers should be written with a comma "," between them eg:1,2,3 etc 10,11,12 etc 100,101,102. The comma inserts a short length of blank staves.
Now ...... comes the fun ! Count four notes and press the "!" key. This will place a barline vertically across the staves (the five horizontal lines on which the notes are written). Repeat this every 4 notes until you reach the end of the line then press the "." key. You must end with a full 4 note bar even if this leaves a space at the right margin. At the beginning of the next line press the "&" key to insert a new treble-cleft. Count 4 notes then the "!" key etc .... Repeat this process until you reach the end of your message, finish with a "."
Use this type face as a cipher to send secret messages which can be easily read by the recipient if they have this typeface on their computer. To anyone else this will appear to be sheet music.*° It can also be used to convert poems into a musical score, to rewrite the music of simple songs, word for word, or to compose original music. I am sure you will be able to find other uses also. Have fun ;)
*° Actually it won't appear as sheet music as I had hoped because the computer receiving the message will use its default font to print out the message if this font is not installed. That applies to all so called code fonts ... what a shame!