The extra-bold/black weight of Ari-W9500 Condensed.
This is a clone of Ari-W9500 DisplayThe extra-bold/black weight of Ari-W9500.
This is a clone of Ari-W9500 BoldThe bold weight of Ari-W9500 Condensed.
This is a clone of Ari-W9500 BoldThe bold weight of Ari-W9500.
This is a clone of Ari-W9500The condensed style of Ari-W9500.
This is a clone of Ari-W9500Presenting... Ari-W9500 - a complete pixel font family with multiple weights & styles.
This is basically pixelated Arial. Nothing interesting, really. The font is heavily inspired by the pixelated font used in Microsoft's Windows 95. The project was originally meant to be an improved and revamped version of the popular W95FA pixel font.
With more than 1600 glyphs, the font can support a wide range of languages (primarily supports Latin, Greek and Cyrillic).
The alternative glyphs of all the font styles included in the family are stored in the "Braille Patterns" Unicode block.
Extra context:
For those who are wondering, Ari-W9500 began under construction BEFORE Roguewas even planned. After done publishing Rogue, I just wanted to finish this project up and move on.
The entirety of the Ari-W9500 font family (6 styles):
• Ari-W9500 Display (Extra-bold)
Future plans:
Looking forward to adding Hebrew support soon.
Due to technical difficulties, I WILL NOT be making italic versions for the styles.
If you see any glyphs in the font that's incorrectly designed, please tell me by commenting.
Feel free to clone the project and add additional language support (e.g.: CJK, Thai, Arabic, Devanagari) as you wish.
Thanks for enjoying this moment with me.
Recreation of "Normal Centipede" from CPFONTS.FON, included in Microsoft Arcade from 1993.
The original font seems to have been intended to be capital letters and numbers only, with what appears to be poorly-resized bitmaps from a different font in the rest of the character set. Some, especially the punctuation, were literally illegible. So I hope you'll forgive me that this isn't a 100% faithful recreation.
Presenting the most popular game in the world: Tetris: The Soviet Mind Game, released in 1984, which was began in Electronika 60 USSR. It was licensed to Nintendo and sublicensed to Bullet-Proof Software. It was created by Alexey Pajitnov. Second day, Tetris was released for NES: Atari Game in 1987 (or 1988 for the tengen) which was began for the NES. It was released in 1987 for Academysoft-Elorg. It was licensed by Mirrorsoft LTD. Third day, Tetris was released for the Gameboy in 1989. Fourth Day, Tetris 2 was released in 1993 (and or 1994 for the SNES). It's a sequel to Tetris, which was created by Alexey Pajitnov and Nintendo. All consoles are taking over the world with Tetris, as long we can play with the most popular game in the whole universe.
This font kinda Reminds me of Windowsoft 11.
Like Windowsoft, But with the windows 11 logo.
A Font Based Off The Rounded Windows 11 Logo.
i added a watermark because RockNroolTOT at deviantart stole this
Here comes Terminal 8, the last entry in the Terminal font series.
Go check out the other Terminal fonts on my profile if you haven't!
NOTE: Click 'TrueType Font' when downloading!
PC Font recreations: "Terminal" (Style 7, coding is OEM/DOS)
The final "Terminal" font style!
This font only appears in Notepad, MS Paint and nowhere else, so replicating it might be a good idea.
The most amazing thing about this font is that it changes its style depending on the chosen font size. "More Latin" (possibly) coming soon.
PC Font recreations: "Terminal" (Style 6, coding is OEM/DOS)
This font only appears in Notepad, MS Paint and nowhere else, so replicating it might be a good idea.
The most amazing thing about this font is that it changes its style depending on the chosen font size. More styles and "More Latin" coming soon.
PC Font recreations: "Terminal" (Style 5, coding is OEM/DOS)
This font only appears in Notepad, MS Paint and nowhere else, so replicating it might be a good idea.
The most amazing thing about this font is that it changes its style depending on the chosen font size. More styles and "More Latin" coming soon.
PC Font recreations: "Terminal" (Style 4, coding is OEM/DOS)
This font only appears in Notepad, MS Paint and nowhere else, so replicating it might be a good idea.
The most amazing thing about this font is that it changes its style depending on the chosen font size. More styles and "More Latin" coming soon.
PC Font recreations: "Terminal" (Style 3, coding is OEM/DOS)
This font only appears in Notepad, MS Paint and nowhere else, so replicating it might be a good idea.
The most amazing thing about this font is that it changes its style depending on the chosen font size. More styles and "More Latin" coming soon.
PC Font recreations: "Terminal" (Style 2, coding is CHINESE_BIG5)
This font only appears in Notepad, MS Paint and nowhere else, so replicating it might be a good idea.
The most amazing thing about this font is that it changes its style depending on the chosen font size. More styles and "More Latin" coming soon.
PC Font recreations: "Terminal" (Style 1, coding is CHINESE_BIG5)
This font only appears in Notepad, MS Paint and nowhere else, so replicating it might be a good idea.
The most amazing thing about this font is that it changes its style depending on the chosen font size. More styles and "More Latin" coming soon.
PC Recreations: "System" (Regular)
This time it's not bolded!
This is a clone of System Bold