why do my new fonts barely have any ratings / get noticed nowadays
please give me some respect i have been working hard on these
sorry about earlier i was panicking about some of my fs fonts not appearing to the public
I do have a backup plan though!
Fontstructing since | 24th October, 2019 |
Fontstructions | 513 shared, 3 staff picks |
Shared Glyphs | 45156 |
Downloads | 4531 downloads made of this designer’s work |
Comments Made | 193 |
modeled after the icon of favicon.cc
"Shangri-la" is just within reach."
Pixel recreation of the script seen in the music video of Sasakure.UK's "RAPUTA".
So far I haven't found an official Q, official confrmed numerals nor more punctuation, so they're just guesses :)
my personal retake on fs fat piano
Currently unfinished remaster of CMunk's Typecrimes, mainly letters only.
This is a clone of TypecrimesPixelPlayer2 is a reimagined version of Jeyco2710's font "The Pixel Player".
also jeyco don't think i didn't notice you copy one of my other fonts without changing anything, smh
This is a clone of The Pixel Playergood lord this is gonna take forever...
i need to fix the 2, man
This font is based off of a font called "1942 Quadrata", or known by it's demo name, "1942 Quadrata Lim" by GLC. I'll try to give as much vibe as the original font I can for this!! ^_^
Extra glyphs, like the ".s." glyph, and alternate glyphs, can be found in Private Use.
"AJN Plaintiff" is a retake of the classic Art Deco fonts Bifur and Cassandra. Comes in 2 variations, Regular and Swallowtail.
This is a clone of AJN Plaintiff SwallowtailThis is an experimental font made with Google's AI "Gentype", which takes a prompt and turns it into a full alphabet set. Each letter was carefully mapped fron image to grid.
The prompt I used was: "9x9 pixel art, black text on a white background".
This font is LETTERS ONLY as Gentype only does letters.
recreated off of faith: the unholy trinity
certain characters are taken from logan roman's version of the font
mine includes an extra source of damnatio memoriae