A collection of fonts with inverted, white on black, reversed and spatially negative characteristics.
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Deceptively simple.
This fontstruction was made possible by several fontstruct special capabilities: connecting brick, brick stacks, custom bricks, and nudge. Out of 68 bricks used, only the full square brick is from the available bricks; the remaining 67 bricks are all modified in some way or another.
3 bricks tall.
Out of 111 bricks used, only ten are from existing bricks; all the rest are custom bricks. There would have been a lot more bricks if most weren't rotated or flipped.
3 bricks tall.
UPDATE 07 Oct 17: In February something happened to the font, re-arranging every single brick to somewhere else. I just now got around to fixing it.
Parentheses can be used as caps for the beginnings and ends of sentences.
Alternatives for some glyphs (trying to disconnect a bit the sides and baselines) are in the lowercase zone. Plus: other "1" at the "t", the 3rd "U" (and their accents) at the "v", "ò", "ó", "ô" and "ö", respectively. Enjoy it, please.
Another leap toward the elusive subtractive Boolean.
Each character consists of nine bricks arranged in a 3 x 3, filtered and scaled, composite-stack matrix. Insane levels of smooth detail result.
This filtered, subtractive stacking technique extends those first published here.
Enjoy a private clone to grok my unknown approach. The possibilities are endless...