Published: 18th April, 2010
Last edited: 18th April, 2010
Created: 14th April, 2010
It's a code. The text above says Kiwis With Quacks. Rather strange, I know. But it's all good.
The letters are designed to be just slightly similar to the real letters so that it's easier to remember than chaotic dots or something like that. Also, the capitals are the same as lowercase. There's a little dot that is the space so you can tell the difference between words, and a bigger, fancier dot that serves as a period. The numbers remain the same, just different looking.
The Kiwi part refers to me, and the Quack... well, let's just say my friend and I are cracked. Haha, bad joke I know. Enough blabbering.
--Hope you like it!
Published: 24th February, 2010
Last edited: 24th February, 2010
Created: 7th June, 2009
Hey FSors!
This is inspired by swiss cheese with holes and 2x2 scaling ish...
without the one and only williaum this font wouldn't exist. too bad he took all his work off the gallery...