thanks to sed4tives for the circle base (faux-bezier rotunds)
this is a quick sketch i made
This is a clone of STF_FAUX BEZIER ROTUNDSIf it's not been touched for months, then it's finished? Well, even if it's unfinished, it can be public too.
Dots of different sizes, not touching each other (for most of the time) … took me quite some time back then
(I wouldn't be able to stick to the style, so if you need more glyphs, just clone it and do it youself ;) the license should permit this)
The font is inspired by a 5x7 dot matrix display grid, commonly known as an "eggcrate display". Comment any suggestions for the font.
Latest Update: Added all Extended Latin characters. Some of these characters break the 5x7 rule, but still are on the Y axis of 7. (26/06/2022 @ 16:48)
A spur-of-the-moment project. An exploration of geometric silhouette conformation and fun Futura-based alternates (specifically, using the circles as strokes).
Glyph alternates can be accessed under the Cyrillic characters.
Celtic calligraphy font with spiral detailing inspired by the triskelion symbol. The concept behind the symbol and therefore the typeface is of rebirth - and more specifically the cycle of life, death and rebirth - symbolised by the spiral motifs.