van nelle
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BEACH RESORT — 1920s Art-Deco style
Beach Resort is a tall geometric display sans inspired by the Art-Deco aesthetics.
It's condensed style makes up for a rather tall and narrow looking letter concept. The design is further characterized by this distinct asymmetric curve geometry. A tiny touch of stress was added on the vertical axis to create this gentle stroke contrast. The stressed weight of the horizontals automatically compensating it's optical correction issue.
— Only minimal kerning for now, more will be added soon
Hope y'all like it,
SPOKOYNOY NOCHI — Revival of famous 1920's Art-Deco lettering
Its sort of a reimaginative digitized revival of the famous lettering by Anton Kurvers, designed in 1927 for the Flemish folk theatre in dedication of Joh. de Meester jr. commissioned by Wendingen for the 3rd issue in the 8th series of this famous magazine. It is one of the many graphic designs by his hand. —Its a simple monolinear Art-Deco style unicase lettering with additional full size alphabet set of uppercase glyph alternate forms that is located in the Half Width And Full Width Forms Unicode block. Some global kerning was done, but extra pairs are still required…
Antonius (Anton) Kurvers(The Hague, 23 July 1889 - Amsterdam, 29 January 1940) was a Dutch artist. He was a draftsman, lithographer, furniture designer, textile artist, decorative painter, industrial designer, graphic designer and book cover designer that became a prolific letterer in the public sector. Many of his lettering as well as other works can still be seen in public and on buildings throughout the city of Amsterdam. Kurvers was the student of famous Dutch architect Hendrik Wijdeveld(1885-1987) and started during 1911-1914 as a painter of theatre sets in Paris. This was followed by years of stained glass design. After this period he discovered graphic design. In 1919 the Public Works Department of Amsterdam hired Kurvers, and this position Kurvers made an important mark on the design of municipal institutions. He designed various public objects such as the blue Municipal Giro-box in 1926 for Public Works in Amsterdam. He also designed a red Holland mailbox for the Dutch PTT in 1929, as well as a blue postal stamp machine in 1936.
Wendingen(Dutch: Inversion or Upheaval, literally turns) "monthly magazine for building and decorating" was an architecture and art magazine that appeared from 1918 to 1932. It was a monthly publication aimed at architects and interior designers. A total of 116 issues were published and it served as a mouthpiece for the architect association Architectura et Amicitia(Architecture and Friendship). Its association with Architectura et Amicitia didn't meant the content would at all be limited to just architecture, and specific special attention was paid to both visual and applied arts.
☛ In Modern architecture of the 1920s were three notable movements.
Cubist, Expressionist, Functionalism and Constructivist architecture. All three respectively had their dedicated artistic movements, and typograpy or lettering was no stranger within these movements. Wendingen earned recognition not only through its content, but also by its remarkable square format, but probably most nowadays in modern times for the striking typographic content by artists such as: H. Wijdeveld, A. Kurvers, E. Lissitzky, V. Huszar and many more. Editor-in-chief was Hendricus Theodorus Wijdeveld, another famous Dutch architect and graphic designer. Initially the magazine was an important platform for the Dutch expressionism movement, also known as the Amsterdam School, but later endorsed a post-expressionist spirit, also known as the New Objectivity and was a reaction against expressionism. The primary aim of Wendingen was to enhance the aesthetic quality of architecture and to serve as a source of inspiration for its members.
Wendingen was influential on Expressionist architecture, especially in The Netherlands.
—Another similar Dutch magazine from that era was called De Stijl, but it was more influential on Swiss Style and International Typographic Style.
I hope you like it,
A retro-styled font inspired by Art Deco and classic computer fonts. Looks like something you'd see in a video game from the 1980's that's set in the 1920's. Includes over 1000 glyphs from Latin and non-Latin alphabets. Best for decoration and titles.
Credit appreciated but not required.
This typeface developed from the word gregarious, this word is defined as sociable or enjoying company of others, the term was used the most in the 1920s. I developed this study to looking at 1920s typefaces and aimed to find a way of making the geometric sanserifs look sociable and lively. A main social activity at this time was listening to the new revelation of Jazz music which became the basis of how I wanted to portray in this project whilst showing a modern twist. Jazz musicians play their songs in their own distinct styles, and so you might listen to a dozen different jazz recordings of the same song, but each will sound different and this idea is something i tried to bring into this typeface; the set of letters look the same but depending on which word/sentence you type it will look different.
A recap of the lettering by "Fre Cohen". And as additional supplement I attempted to complete the entire alphabet plus some punctuations.
In loving memory of the great Dutch graphical designer Frederika Sophia (Fré) Cohen(August 11, 1903 – June 14, 1943).
Work in progress.
See more retro fonts:
This is a clone of fs Midgardsormr