this this the pixel font.
20 be4 the final font!
This is the worst font
My typeface currently encapsulates the verb “protect” through two opposing connotations; one of them being to self protect; this phrase is conventionally associated with weapons, and I have illustrated this through sharp edged strokes to imitate knife-like objects. The other being is to hide; this is inferred the personification of the fact that elements of my letters are hiding themselves.
This font is inspired by the people that rebel, protest and defy our political stances. Taken from the word ‘unstable’ this font aims to convey a sense of political instability. Using the imagery and typefaces created from protest banners I created ‘f*ck boris’ whilst encompassing iconic rebellion symbols used throughout our history.
The Roman alphabet has far too many letters. 9 letters can be represented by combinations of others. This font resoves that problem. Letters replaced: FJKQVWXYZ, Letters used to replace them: BCDEGHIPSU, Other Letters: ALMNORT. Regarding V and B, instead of replacing V with BH, I could replace B with PV (which would be better).
Now that I have the set of letters down to 17, they can be stored in Hexadecimal. So the final alphabet is ABCDE.GHI..LMNOP.RSTU..... Punctuation - 13 symbols: ,-`':()<>!?|. 2 slots left over for other stuff. The space has stuff in it. Do I want that?
There are 32 characters - 17 letters and 12 symbols, a space and two empty slots.