Proportional version of this font
This is a clone of EvelutionLolly MonoA monospaced font using only bricks from the connect category. It includes Basic Latin, along with variations of each letter.
Glyphs are with large stroke. Black and Bold ones are Filled. White and Double-Struck ones are with small stroke. Gray and Blackletter ones are with a combination of large and small stroke
Includes a large subset of Latin-1 as well along with a small subset of certain other unicode blocks
Supports Latin, Greek (Including the Seven Coptic Letters) and Lisu Scripts
See here for the proportional version
BUISJES — Geometric outlined sans-serif design
While at first I was just updating one of my custom brick tool sets with some additional new pre-build custom composite bricks which seemlessly fit and allign with the dimensions of FontStruct's default connection brick set, the font more or less materialized as this happy accident while I was fooling around and constructed several basic letterforms and shapes for testing these composite brick solutions I was making.
Before realizing it I had about half-a-alphabet's worth of random letter doodles. From there on out I simply decided to copy the letters that came from this test run and drop them into a new FontStruct project and just resumed building the remainder of what would later become this rather modernist clean looking geometric outline sans.
Now, keep in mind that working with the constraints of these (largely 'Composite'-like) and somewhat oddball physically natured 'Connection'-bricks is very limited, and can be quite tricky. They simply doesn't allow the same level of design freedom FS's 'Core'-bricks do (E.g. the centre allignement, their thickness and that 30-bricks-only limited palette size for each of the three variations). To acquire some of that more distinctive and specific tailor made geometry usually requires clever brick arrangements that consist from a mixture of both multi-stacked-composites and brick overlaps to patch gaps and smoothen curve contours.
This process can sometimes become very 'trial / error' -based and unpredictable when complexity increases. Distracting at times, as it gets in the way of primary objectives. To constantly having to invent different new solutions that work simply doesn't help creative workflow. Therefor I decided to dive a little deeper into expanding my pre-fabricated'ready-to-use' composite brick palette.
So far I'm very pleased with the final result, especially with how easy this new set of custom brick composites turn out to create new letters. The bricks feel very intuitive to work with, and unlock quick access to greater sophistication and shaping of more complex geometry. Opening up several new possibilities that are impossible to construct solely from the default 'Connection' -brick palette. So having them at my disposal in a pre-fab fashion is certainly gonna help streamline the workflow.
As far as for the font's aesthetica, there isn't all that much spectacular going on really. The basic geometry provides a rigid solid looking lettering that produces this fairly legible text. The modern yet clean characteristics making it the perfect match for a broad range application.
• Multi-Lingual (105 languages supported)
• Some glyph alternate forms
• Kerning (1922 stored pairs)
The font name refers to its tubular characteristics and comes from the Dutch word Buizen, which literally translate to Tubes in English.
I hope you like it,
This is a cloneI started this... more than eleven years ago (!), and changed directions at least a couple of times along the way, so perhaps it would have been better to start from scratch.
Anyway, I thought it would be an appropriate typeface for the holiday season :-)