Recreation of the large pixel font from Ocean's "Hunchback: The Adventure" (1986) on the Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, and ZX Spectrum.
This font is used as a versal/raised capital.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
Recreation of the pixel font from Graftgold/Hewson Consultants' "Ranarama" (1987) on the ZX Spectrum.
This recreation includes the handful of futhark runes used in the game, though one of the runes appears to be made up.
The same font is used in the Amstrad CPC and Commodore 64 ports, though the runes are slightly different.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
Recreation of the pixel font from Serge Payeur/Ubisoft's "Peur sur Amityville" (1987) on the Amstrad CPC.
Note the inclusion of the "square root" character, which is used as part of the story. The original game seems to only include the lowercase "é" and "è" diacritics (and they both look the same, with the accent just being a horizontal line above the letter). In this recreation, I expanded this to include "ê" and "ë", and to apply the same approach to the lowercase accented "a", "i", "o", "u", and "y". Lastly, this recreation includes a "ç" character, which was absent from the game.
Apart from these additions, only the characters used in the game have been included.
Recreation of the pixel font from Palace Software's "The Sacred Armour of Antiriad" (1986) on the Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, and Amstrad CPC.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
Recreation of the pixel font from Ubisoft's "Hurlements" (1988) on the Amstrad CPC.
Note that this font is incomplete, missing all numbers except "2". It also doesn't include any accented characters, with the exception of German diaeresis/Umlaut characters.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
Recreation of the pixel font from Mastertronic's "The Curse of Sherwood" (1987) on the Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC, and ZX Spectrum.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
Recreation of the pixel font from Mastertronic Added Dimension's "Ninja" (1987) on the Amstrad CPC.
This recreation includes the weird (buggy?) character used in some of the late game room names (like the "green room"), mapped to the "_" underscore.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
Recreation of the pixel font from Gargoyle Games' "Tir Na Nog" (1984) on the ZX Spectrum.
Note on the Spectrum and C64 version, the font defined in the game includes uppercase letters (not used in the game), as well as special characters and punctuation. In the Amstrad CPC version, only the lowercase alphabet is present, and any other characters (numbers, punctuation, etc) are pulled from the standard Amstrad system font.
The same font was reused in the prequel to this game, "Dun Darach" (1985).
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
Recreation of the pixel font from Gargoyle Games' "Marsport" (1985) on the ZX Spectrum.
Note that the font defined in the game only sets custom latin alphabet characters (a-z). For any other characters, it reuses the standard ZX Spectrum font. The same is true for the Amstrad CPC version, where any characters (numbers, punctuation, etc) are pulled from the standard Amstrad system font.
This recreation includes the handful of (Spectrum) characters (numbers and punctuation) that are used in the game. Beyond that, only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
Recreation of the coloured version of the pixel font from Codemasters' "Striker in the Crypts of Trogan" (aka "Stryker in the Crypts of Trogan", 1992) on the Amstrad CPC.
This recreation uses the special TTF+SVG format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Striker in the Crypts of Trogan (Amstrad)Recreation of the pixel font from Codemasters' "Striker in the Crypts of Trogan" (aka "Stryker in the Crypts of Trogan", 1992) on the Amstrad CPC.
This font is also used for the credits on the ZX Spectrum version, but otherwise a fatter version is used anywhere else in the game.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
Recreation of the proportional pixel font from Mark Cale/System 3's "Myth: History in the Making" (1989) on the Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum.
Note that while the letters are proportional, the numbers are all set to a fixed width.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
Recreation of the large pixel font from Julian Gollop/Target Games' "Laser Squad" (1988) on the Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, and MSX.
This font is simply a double-height version of the regular font.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Laser SquadRecreation of the pixel font from Ashby Computers and Graphics / Ultimate Play the Game's "Martianoids" (1987) on the Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum, and MSX.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
Recreation of the pixel font from Mastertronic's "Spellbound" (1985) on the Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum, and Commodore 64.
The same font was reused (with a few minor changes to punctuation/special characters) in the sequels "Knight Tyme" (1986) and "Stormbringer" (1987)
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.