But wait~ 404 error glyph not found
If this reaches OVER 9000 glyphs, Someone will make Artistic Alphabet with this font, this font can be dedicated to tell Rob Meek add OpenType ligatures and encoding slots. this font has 64+ block elements for every glyph and Christian Munk will surprise me with that font better than 7x12 Serif! [IT TAKES ME WEEKS?, HAS SUPPORT FOR KANBUN CHINESE SYMBOLS AND JAPANESE KANA?, DOESN'T MAKE FS LAG?, BEATS OFF 7X12 SERIF?]
⌠Feel free to request new or fixed glyphs!⌡
Latest update: Added Latin extensions
If this reaches OVER 9000 glyphs, Someone will make Artistic Alphabet with this font, this font has 64+ block elements for every glyph and Christian Munk will surprise me with that font better than 7x12 Serif! [IT TAKES ME WEEKS?, HAS SUPPORT FOR KANBUN CHINESE SYMBOLS AND JAPANESE KANA?, DOESN'T MAKE FS LAG?, BEATS OFF 7X12 SERIF?]
⌠Feel free to request new or fixed glyphs!⌡
Latest update: Added some writing systems (Thai is unfinished)
(new polygon sans font im working on)...
Might support more Latin, Greek, Coptic, Cyrillic, Armenian and MISC Symbols later...
Update 0.7: Release with basic letters, symbols and numbers in ASCII
Update 0.8: Added more Latin
Update 1.0.3: Big update
Update 1.1.0: Te Reo Maori, Hiragana And Katakana
Update 1.1.2: Shidinn Language (Uppercase and lowercase, midcase later)
Update 1.1.3: Arabic (TTF font files take up 65535 glyphs)
The NEW 7:12 Serif.
V13.5.2: Fixed Latin Extended-D.
V13.5.0-13.5.1: Made by xxIamcoolxx.(Old Me)
V1.0.0-13.4.4: Made by CMunk.
This is a clone of 7:12 Serif UnicodeRickiestereo is a Sans-Serif font carefully designed for computer & mobile screens.
Our insistence black font Is now used a expertly hinted for screen use. So It was similar to Artmix. a pretty completive set of diacritics, as well as a stylistic alternative inspired by more sans-serif and claim typefaces than its nonsense Hardcore inspired default character set. the forms for the Rickiestereo typeface letter Q were being drawn.
Looking for the cities.
A Unicode version of "7:12 Serif". I am going to finish the font as soon as possible.
This is a clone of 7:12 Serif