Another attempt to make a readable font narrower than Arial Narrow. I am basing the letters on ovals now, to try to make them easier for my eyes to deal with at small sizes. Works well at size 9. Arial Narrow is still better than this at size 8.
This is a clone of UrialA collection of circles (and ovals), inspired by the circles I saw in p2pnut's composites tool ... several of these circles I found ready-made in other fonts (I apologise,I didn't note down the designer's name so I can't give credits --- I'll try to backtrack though as I don't blindly copy things and hand out as my own work. Most of these circles I made with the bricks available in the fontstructor, for some I made the composites, some I assembled using shapes and composites made by others.
Thank you to everybody who enabled cloneability of their fonts so that I could see in detail how you made those tricky/exciting curves (to either recreate them and the composites under my own steam or to import into this tool kit).
This is a work in progress as I discover more curves made by members; with the new FontStructor we all will have more circular excitement coming...
For my weaving website I wanted a novel font. So here is FRIVOLITE, the shape is based on the beautifully shaped shuttle used for hand weaving. Indeed the O and 0 and @ show perfectly the shuttle shape. The other glyphs were made to fit (as far as reasonable) into this specific shape. I know that frivolité is knotting rather than weaving, but this shuttle shape can be found in weaving, too. An alternate N and Z is on 'extended Latin B'.