Based on a 3-dimensional cube design, this fun font is perfect for when you want to capture the attention of your audience. Great for use in Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Steam Punk, and more!
Published: 13th May, 2016
Last edited: 14th May, 2016
Created: 11th May, 2016
Inspired by Frodo7's Voxelstorm. Some of these shapes look impossible, but they are actually possible, if you imagine that the corner of each cube is touching the centre of the face of another cube.
Published: 14th February, 2014
Last edited: 14th February, 2014
Created: 14th February, 2014
Use _ for the stickers, + for the background, and + for the inside lines.
Published: 17th June, 2013
Last edited: 17th June, 2013
Created: 15th June, 2013
I just released my first music album in years, which can be heard here. The cover art was made with the help of FS, so here's kind of a peek behind the scenes for you. (Originally inspired by the font Recognition.)
Published: 28th September, 2011
Last edited: 28th September, 2011
Created: 15th September, 2011
An alphabet worthy of Q*bert; he could successfully complete each letter and number designed here as an individual game board. The punctuation, however, is another story...
Published: 30th April, 2010
Last edited: 2nd May, 2010
Created: 29th April, 2010
Letters on isometric cubes... just trying out shading...
For blank space press | (You will see a line, but it will disappear when you put in another letter).
For a DIY letter press ~ (For carving out a symbol or anything you want).
Published: 6th October, 2009
Last edited: 21st September, 2010
Created: 29th August, 2009
It's fun to work with negative spaces for a change.
The 'i' is as wide as 'm' & 'w'.
Published: 22nd September, 2009
Last edited: 8th January, 2012
Created: 21st July, 2009
Some selected cubes with patterns. They are byproducts of my effort to bring "Hommage à Escher" to life.This is a clone
Published: 6th August, 2009
Last edited: 28th September, 2009
Created: 6th August, 2009
well another escher inspired set. however with this one i was also influenced by the soma cube - which is very escheresk itself. actually i don't know if i'm more happy about this set which is much more simple and clean than my previous efforts or that i finally googled upon the soma cube which i had as a kid and wasted many hours playing with...much like now with fs :)
thanks to frodo7 with Homage a Escher and shasta with Escheresk for providing great examples of clarity and inventiveness of design in this genre.
Published: 22nd July, 2008
Last edited: 4th January, 2014
Created: 19th July, 2008
The alphabet in a Rubik's cube. Really, its in there. Just barely. Positive and negative versions, miraculously with some punctuation. Numerals are counted thru block spaces. The caps are given a 3D highlight to accentuate the block letters. Check out the Pixel Preview.This is a clone of Blokula
Published: 13th June, 2008
Last edited: 9th June, 2010
Created: 13th June, 2008
A-Z, 0-9 and a question mark.until now. maybe i retouch it at any time...
enjoy playing!