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Plus the number glyphs are awesome too.
And the tiny text is a whole font unto its own.
@mix12: I have added some dummy characters for a-z, and it seems to work now.
@meek: Thank you very much!
@everyone else: Thank you for the nice words.
Really cool! But I find an error.
When you type 1,000,000 it says One million thousand.
It's very hard do this kind of fonts, so great job!
Just 10/10
Have you considered making it compatible with decimals, maybe using a different ending character like `? I think you could really get more out of this idea, but as it is, it's already amazing.
@anonymous-1000937 When you type "1,000,000", it can be interpreted as "one million thousand", but I think it's supposed to read "one million zero hundred zeroty zero thousand zero hundred zeroty zero", which makes more sense.
@AFontAbove , i find it as a bug.
I think it should get fixed
Guess that's why the zeroes are small? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You're not supposed to focus on them.
i am doing a spanish version
This is what I call a Smart Font!
ba dum tss
i also made a roman and french version
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