Published: 11th December, 2012
Last edited: 11th December, 2012
Created: 3rd December, 2012
It is a pixel-laded font with shades and every basic letter in there.
Published: 28th October, 2012
Last edited: 28th November, 2012
Created: 24th October, 2012
Communicating with Words Project. An energetic typeface i made, using different types of triangles in an abstract way.
Published: 18th July, 2012
Last edited: 1st August, 2012
Created: 25th June, 2011
A font created with LEGO bricks 2x2, 2x3, 2x4 seen from birds view.
Published: 15th July, 2012
Last edited: 18th July, 2012
Created: 14th July, 2012
Yay! A remake to my old font: Boxie. This time, it appears with a sort-of 3D feeling.
Published: 10th December, 2011
Last edited: 10th December, 2011
Created: 9th December, 2011
:P this was created in about 2 days, I was just trying to use one shape for each character, and it seems to give each letter a pencil drawn or crayon drawn look, as well as different depths of color.
Published: 10th January, 2011
Last edited: 1st February, 2011
Created: 10th January, 2011
Clone of FS Hommage à Frodo7.
It’s the shaded version. If you check the sample text, you see that 's' and 'p' don’t work well together [sphinx]. For this case just use the uppercase s instead.This is a clone of FS Hommage à Frodo7
Published: 6th January, 2011
Last edited: 6th January, 2011
Created: 30th November, 2010
PT - Um tipo de letra onde o que está presente é a ausencia da mesma
EN - A font where what is present is the absence of the same