This typeface was inspired by "Pangsit Mie Ayam". Pangsit Mie Ayam is a popular street food in Indonesia. The main ingredients of Pangsit Mie Ayam are noodle, chicken and dumplings.
I created a simple typeface to increase the visibilty because the typeface will be use for the street food store banner. The typeface was made with a curve in the edges to make it more look a like a noodle.
"This typeface still going on progress because it will be use as discussion with classmates..."
This typeface form is adapted from a typical Indonesian street food meatballs, a round shape on typeface describes the shape of meatballs, which are round and always served in a bowl of beef broth. The distinctive taste of the meatballs is so enjoyable that it has always been a favorite food of Indonesian society.
This typeface was made for my college task, typography 2. This typeface was meant to describe a stall named 'Cak Roni' that serves meatball or which is called as 'Bakso' in Indonesia. I made bold character as I know that bakso has big and round character.
the typeface was adapted from "nasi pecel" one of traditional food from indonesia. The food consisted of rice and a lot of vegetables. One of the vegetables is bean sprout that taken most of the idea to make this typeface especially the semi script one.
This typeface was inspired by Indonesian food called 'Sate Kelopo'. In the corner of the stem there is a serif to show the ' serundeng' or called coconut from 'Sate Kelopo'. Between the stem and the stroke there is a gap to show that in each stick of the satay , there are 4-5 meats which stabbed one by one. And in every meats there is a little gap in it that show a gap between the stem and stroke.
This Typeface was adapted by the shape of duck. In the end of the stroke there is an arch that symbolizes as ducks' tail. In letter B you can see the shape a duck clearly, the upper bowl describe the duck's head and the lower bowl describe the duck's body.
This font inspired from a Duck :D! I made this decorative duck typeface look cute by using a curvy shape. I also add some signatures of a duck wich is beak and wings. This work is not yet done, but i will finish it as fast as i can, so please kindly leave commend if i did something wrong, i hope you can give a good suggestion to support my work. :D
Thanks Fonstructor!
This typeface was inspired from Meatball, that was made from meat in Indonesia. I'm using round shape and fat stroke like a meatball. The leaf shape in the corner or inside the font was inspired from when you chop a meatball into four pieces from the center
Typeface Sate Ayam ini divisualkan dari bentukan paruh ayam yang dikombinasikan dengan batik dari madura sehingga typeface ini memiliki bentuk serif yang menyerupai bentuk tanaman paku dimana tanaman tersebut bentuknya melingkar ke bawah, dan tipe atau kategori yang saya gunakan adalah perkembangan dari tipe serif yang memiliki bentuk tajam pada ujung hurufnya.
Kacangado is a wordplay of 'Kacang' that means 'Peanut' in English and 'Gado', taken from an Indonesian traditional food 'Gado-gado' that is served with peanut sauce, potatoes, eggs, lettuces, and other vegetables. Thus the peanut-inspired letters.
This typeface is purposed for a street-food-spot and it's selling "Gado-Gado" which is a special Japanese food with tofu, "tempe", peanut butter, "krupuk" and spicy sauce. Its strong-bold but deliciously nice taste that lasts in mouth and tounge is the concept of this typeface.
This typeface adopted from Gado-Gado. Gado-gado is a deliciously comforting Indonesian mega salad served with crunchy prawn crackers and an incridibly delicious peanut dressing. This typeface look like tofu and circle of egg (bunder buktek-bunter kotak)
I made this typeface with the image of a duck in mind. I used the charasteristic of a duck to make this more duck- like, however it is still far from my expectation and is still very unstable. I greatly encourage any kind of comments. I want to make this better in the future.