Published: 10th April, 2015
Last edited: 10th April, 2015
Created: 10th April, 2015
I was re-watching Monsters Inc., and I just had to replicate the keyboard on the controlpanel for the door machine. I just love the shape of E (Eject) and how it links with L (L-arrow), and the unintuitive-ness of D (Down Arrow) and U (Up-Right arrow). The silly acronyms and symbols only help. Don't think it's at all useful, but it was a nice exercise :)
Published: 23rd August, 2014
Last edited: 23rd August, 2014
Created: 22nd August, 2014
A font to look like keyboard keys.
[ and ] characters make the end of the keys.
{ character does a space within the key.
This lets you start and end the keys where you want, so you can put single characters on keys, or entire sentences.
You can't actually put those characters on a key because of that, though. Sorry. If I get to it, I may add those keys to special characters so you could enter them using 'character map' or similar.
Published: 15th April, 2014
Last edited: 15th April, 2014
Created: 16th March, 2014
This clone of Typ(o) Writer 1 has the "serifs" removed but retains the notches. The letter width on ! ? . ¿ and ¡ is increased to be a more obvious end-of-phrase symbol compared to the 'space'.
You find an alternative k on the { and a blank 'circle'/key on the \, an EIRÔN glyph is on the `.This is a clone of Typ(o) Writer 1
Published: 21st March, 2014
Last edited: 15th April, 2014
Created: 7th February, 2014
The first of a set of "typewriter key" fonts. The letters have different heights, I aimed for larger size letters and some would not have fitted into the circle had I maintained the proportions. I gave the letters 'personality' through slanted elements which do not interfere with legibility but tend to disappear in small sizes.
There is a blank circle on the \ and alternate k on the {
Published: 25th October, 2012
Last edited: 29th October, 2012
Created: 17th October, 2012
When be began the project on designing my own typeface, I had to design and create it relating to a specific theme. I chose to focus my design on the theme of 'Decay'.
From the beginning, I wanted to create typeface which represented a very basic idea of the the theme of Decay. I looked at all possible avenues that I could take into design consideration and ended up coming with some interesting concepts I could use.
I started looking at the idea of Decay throughout technology. I began taking photos as well as researching forms of decay in technology. The one aspect which kept coming up were computer keyboards. I found plenty of images of keyboards with decay, which then acted as a key influence for my work.
The idea for having my typeface created in the style of computer keys was quite unique to me. When in the creation process, I created the key design as well as the letter-forms which I had mapped out using graph paper. I was then to add the appearance of decay to the letter-forms afterwards.
I then started coming up with styles of decay I could incorporate into the letter-forms. I wanted to have a clear representation of the theme, but keep it in the style/representation of computers. i.e Pixels.
I messed around with one of the letter-forms with a basic pixel appearance of decay. When zoomed in, it didn't look like the standard I wanted it to be, but when zoomed out, the pixels came together to present the them in detail. I then went ahead and applied the feature to all of the letter-forms and punctuation symbols. The typeface was finally complete.
Published: 2nd October, 2012
Last edited: 1st October, 2012
Created: 27th September, 2012
A font made for a music company's logo. They rejected my concept so I thought I'd make this available for everyone else to use.
Published: 1st November, 2011
Last edited: 9th November, 2011
Created: 30th September, 2011
This font was inspired by the wrought iron work I have noticed when exploring Bristol. The idea developed further when I saw some Greek decoration while researching on the internet. The two came together, the meeting of curves, lines and spirals to form Keys, a modern take on ancient symbolism mixed with a reminder of industrial exuberance.
Published: 27th May, 2009
Last edited: 18th June, 2009
Created: 27th May, 2009
Simple Piano Constructor which allows piano tab representation of chords.This is a clone