Published: 25th August, 2014
Last edited: 25th August, 2014
Created: 25th August, 2014
A half-assed font drawn by hand on a trackpad, allowing at most one re-do if the results were completely unusable, otherwise going with it. Not a serious font by any means. But could serve a purpose, such as low resolution digital graffiti.
Published: 10th November, 2013
Last edited: 20th November, 2013
Created: 9th November, 2013
This font was created as part of my university work, I have created the work by picking a random theme (dangerous) I then researched and brainstormed words which relate to dangerous and then created ideas on things I had seen I liked in other fonts. I linked my theme to the grunge style of work as I think this was appropriate to do so. I wanted my font to look quite messy but at the same time readable. I wanted the font to look quite 'squared' in style as to round as I feel it looks better structurally.
Published: 5th August, 2011
Last edited: 5th August, 2011
Created: 5th August, 2011
Clone of Ancient Geek. I managed to break it too.This is a clone of Ancient Geek
Published: 9th November, 2010
Last edited: 3rd December, 2010
Created: 4th November, 2010
This font was inspired by the word chaos. Initially to me chaos meant incoherent mess, but after looking at chaos theory i began looking at ways to order chaos. To show this in my font I have used a regimented typeface with repeated ideas of thick and thin lines, but juxtaposed this restriction by forming the letters with chaotic scribbles.
Published: 5th November, 2010
Last edited: 5th November, 2010
Created: 15th October, 2010
For my first fontstruct I started with the word Chaos and worked with the idea of pattern or 'anti-pattern'
I looked at artists like Bridget Riley and Josef Muller-Brockman and how I could interpret their kind of work but in a fractured way. I worked with collage before transferring my ideas on to font struct. It is work in progress as I am not happy with it at its current state but am stuck for ideas; every time I alter it it looks worse.
Suggestions and ideas are very much appreciated.
Published: 22nd June, 2010
Last edited: 22nd June, 2010
Created: 22nd June, 2010
Clone of messy writing.
Very messed up.This is a clone of messy writing