The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
I was inspired by Flow by Thijs Mertens and how some of the connections between the letters were made.
Whoa! I feel as if this took a lot of effort… Nice!
beautiful design!
Nice font!!!!
cool stuff
What an adorable typeface. Would work well for a neon sign or something like that. 10/10
Bella font. It gently soaks me like the spring rain, compañero.
Some transitions (elbows) are very beautiful, especially in the lowercase.
Beautiful script, I particularly like the E!
Thanks everyone!
I love how the geometry works in this.
@thalamic Did I miss you for 2 months?
There is a stray pixel on the capital T...
Thanks @AFontAbove, fixed.
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