Resolution 3x4

by tomchatter

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The Resolution font is designed as a conceptual piece of work, complementing my research in the cognitive and graphic aspects of type. I began working with this form in the summer of 2011 by creating the symbols which would fit into a certain matrix and consist of as little square pixels as possible, thus approaching the conceptual and peceptual boundaries of legibility. After Resolution 3x4 I went further and designed Resolution 3x3, which is even more closer to the limit of legibility than 3x4. There is an important aspect in such minimalistic and conceptual approach–-it is the similarity of these types with the weaving patterns, which can be traced back to many archaic European cultures. The Resolution font makes a tribute to these original, pre-alphabetic systems of information encoding through weaving patterns. At the same time Resolution font is made to emphasize the importance of square pixel as a structural and conceptual limit of digital reality, which comes to an end when a certain resolution is reached. It applies both to visual encoding of information (with pixel as a graphic building block) and the structure of information proper (the true-false logic). Instead of creating the illusion of continuity, Resolution font is about being aware of the media and digital (and thus quantized) nature of an image which is falsely perceived as continuous.


The Resolution font is designed as a conceptual piece of work, complementing my research in the cognitive and graphic aspects of type. I began working with this form in the summer of 2011 by creating the symbols which would fit into a certain matrix and consist of as little square pixels as possible, thus approaching the conceptual and peceptual boundaries of legibility. After Resolution 3x4 I went further and designed Resolution 3x3, which is even more closer to the limit of legibility than 3x4.

There is an important aspect in such minimalistic and conceptual approach–-it is the similarity of these types with the weaving patterns, which can be traced back to many archaic European cultures. The Resolution font makes a tribute to these original, pre-alphabetic systems of information encoding through weaving patterns.

At the same time Resolution font is made to emphasize the importance of square pixel as a structural and conceptual limit of digital reality, which comes to an end when a certain resolution is reached. It applies both to visual encoding of information (with pixel as a graphic building block) and the structure of information proper (the true-false logic). Instead of creating the illusion of continuity, Resolution font is about being aware of the media and digital (and thus quantized) nature of an image which is falsely perceived as continuous.
Comment by tomchatter 26th october 2011
3x5, even 3x6, and it's still missing all the lowercase letters !? Then I cannot but encourage you to improve your very legible micro font. Full ASCII is the corner stone, as the 1st step of any usable font, not the ISO flavours (with diacritics)…
Comment by dpla 8th march 2013

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