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Coloured version of zulu. You can use the second different version of each glyph to avoid repetition in some words. These colours are inspired by a 2010 poster from the Apeloig's studio.
I keep getting anazed over and over by your color palette awareness, something many of samples portrait as well, very nice!
Very nice pair of fonts!
@Sed4tives: ? Thank you veeery much, pal!
@Yautja: Thanks a lot! Glad you like it.
Cool colors. Alas, I can't add Cyrillic to this version, but if you want, you can copy the Cyrillic from my copy.
@Sychiov: Thank you very much for your effort and for allowing me the use of your cyrillic glyphs in my font, that is something that I will do as soon as possible.
@Meek: Thanks a million, Jefe! ? I feel very honored once more. These little pink awards become something much bigger and makes you proud when you see them placed next to one of your fonts.
How can i put colorin my fonts?
it is a patreon only feature, and it will cost you like 11€.
Colored again but actually it is a little bit good
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