The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
If the font already exists on "every PC", then why make it again?
Could be useful if you add to it, though...
I challenge you to add all the other characters in "Extended Latin A" and perhaps "Extended Latin B".
Don't give up. :)
1. It is a raster screen font, not a True Type font. This can cause problems or incorrect font substitutions as a result of printing.
2. It is increasingly more difficult to access this font in newer versions of Windows outside of a DOS Command Window or the Notepad program... For example, I can no longer use it in Word 2000 or Excel 2000 on my XP machine.
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