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Caps from WPA Gothic in a low-waisted "deco" style.


Nice & stylish.
Comment by ArthurMaria 26th may 2008
I prefer the original version... (Well, ok, that one is hard to beat, one of the top 10 fonts here for me.) But anyway, I like the general style idea of this modification, but it doesn't look really consistent to me yet. for example A, B, P and R: maybe they should all have their "middle bars" (sorry, my english vocabulary hasn't reached technical terms of typography yet) on the same height like K, H and so on... and the N looks too wide me too.
If you work out these details, it'll be great!
Comment by Tobias Sommer (shasta) 27th may 2008
i dig this.. its a bit like the senator font i was looking for but could not afford.. also has some constructivism rodchenko influence. thank you for taking the time!
Comment by seanocean 29th may 2008

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