Renovare S2

by geneus1
Cloned from Renovare S1 by geneus1.

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Renovare S2. Solution 2 or Serif 2. Clone of Renovare S1. In contrast to Renovare S1, a thickening of the serif makes way for efficient curved brick usage leading to a smoother and more natural slabtastic appearance. Revamped from a corrupted version of Renovare S1 and may suffer from the same instability. Handle with care. Downloaded normally for me. Please let me know if there are any problems. Thx. 052410 Edit 011915. Cap S and lc s smoothed out using nudged bricks


wow really cool ! It's seems that everything is normal for me when download.

Comment by zen_killa 25th may 2010
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “Renovare S2” is now a Top Pick.
Comment by afrojet 27th may 2010
Another great work. This slab serif, and the way you've made it, should be taught in design schools workshops. (Well, the s,S are pain in the a$$). 10/10
Comment by Frodo7 27th may 2010
Wow! Another great one gene.
Comment by aphoria 28th may 2010
I've updated the B, K, and R with smoother solutions on the middle bars.

@zen_killa: Thanks for checking it out.

@afrojet: Thanks!

@Frodo7: Such a high praise coming from you. Thank you, sir.

@aphoria: I'm glad you're appreciating the text faces as I see you're refining your 2.0 skills as well as your previous fontstructions.
Comment by geneus1 31st may 2010
Slabilicious - it just keeps getting better 11/10 ... Yes, I'm a Spinal Tap fan :)
Comment by p2pnut 1st june 2010

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