World Cup

by funk_king

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my first entry in the competition :) it could be considered one of my standard pattern fonts using a soccer ball as the primary element. the ball of kind of tricky to do and is only a representation of the real thing of course.


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This one takes the cake for all the pattern fonts I've seen!
Just one thing,
why did you choose that 7?
Comment by ssaamm 2nd march 2010
Comment by funk_king 2nd march 2010
Gooooooaaaal. He shoots he scores.
This font made me smile.
Comment by djnippa 2nd march 2010
I'm smiling too!! Great way to kick off the competition Funk King. I have no idea how you made those soccer balls look so real. Don't forget to add a sample/specimen.
Comment by afrojet 2nd march 2010
Comment by funk_king 3rd march 2010
yikes! image:
Comment by funk_king 3rd march 2010
Nice one fk ... what took you so long?
Comment by p2pnut 3rd march 2010
This reminds me of Tsubasa (hope someone knows what I'm talking about)
Comment by jmarquez 3rd march 2010
*LOL*, Ray.
Comment by thalamic 3rd march 2010
thanks, everyone. this was a fun start. i was able to do the ball without any brickstacking even :)

@jmarquez - what is this Tsubasa? do you mean that weird thing in anime they do to character's eyes? lol.

@p2p - sorry, mate. if i hadn't been trying to work simultaneously on all of the half-dozen that afrojet has requested, it would have been done sooner :)
Comment by funk_king 3rd march 2010
this makes me hear the chrowds cheer and sing :)
Comment by kix 3rd march 2010
Football/Soccer is the most popular sport of our time. In that sense this font is already a winner. The balls are nicely crafted, and the letters follow the design logic of dot fonts, a genre you've recently published exemplary works of. I wonder if you could do more variations of the ball to look the letters a bit random. 10/10

PS: Am I the first member to vote for this fontstruction?
Comment by Frodo7 3rd march 2010
Competition or not...let it be proposed to award funk_king a one-off special prize for having the brilliance of creating more than 500 FontStructions—single handed—and still going strong. If that's not enough, there are the more than 100 Top Picks to to add weight to this proposal.

My hat off to the grandmaster fontstructor.

All hail, funk_king!
Comment by thalamic 3rd march 2010
totally agreed :)
Comment by kix 3rd march 2010
@thalamic: here, hear!

I read somewhere that yesterday marked the 100 day countdown to the World Cup. Nice timing FK.
Comment by afrojet 3rd march 2010
I third the motion! :)

Funk_King is 100% inimitable. Top-seeded. A true thoroughbred.

LOL, where do I find the bookie for placing my bet?
Comment by William Leverette (will.i.ૐ) 3rd march 2010
I agree with Thalamic!

Funk_King you are Unstoppable, much like Captain Tsubasa^^:
Comment by jmarquez 4th march 2010
Comment by jmarquez 4th march 2010
thank you everyone for your very kind remarks. Fontstruct has given me the tool to do something I was always wanted to do; but you, my fellow designers, have many times given me the encouragement and inspiration. i know i would not be as good or prolific as i am without you. it is through this sense of community, as exhibited here, that sets this place apart and distinguishes each of you, not only as outstanding designers, but amazing individuals with an abundance of heart.
Comment by funk_king 4th march 2010
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “World Cup” is now a Top Pick.
Comment by afrojet 25th march 2010

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