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alphabet lore was fun to watch
small update: made lowercase z into canon appearance
also added ampersand (combined ? and ;) if you watched the finale you'll undertstand... after a while
i finally decided to return... and i'm gonna do number lore... so uh, here's 1 for ya... probably not gonna give any more updates in the comments for number lore here
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you should become a patron and color these!
Problem: Alphabet lore letters uses more than 8 colors, and I don't think you can add enough layers to accomplish that.
@BWM They could try using the ZX Spectrum colo(u)r palette, and it's limited to eight colours (but a downside listed here: the letters would be too bright/bold then)
@Gracian Gonzalez-Clemente I already seen it... multiple times.
@Gracian Gonzalez-Clemente ...sorry, but it can only have 65,536 glyphs. if you intend on doing a font that large, try splitting it up into different fonts... (and plus, Unicode has around 1,000,000+ codepoints.)
@HNA (Ver 1) They'll be there when I feel like adding em
I stopped going onnhere a while ago and... WOWZERS! 300 downloads?!?!
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