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It could be nice to have the more conventional forms of 'a' at least as an alternate; same for 'M' & 'N'. These glyphs would make your design even more 'transparent' and usable for paragraph text.
The J, 4 & 7 can get better, in my humble opinion. And the tail of the Q is a nice detail. :-)
But I've always enjoyed the "intaglio" effect myself!
@gferreira: I'll certainly give your suggestions a go. As for the 4 and 7 problems -- I always come a cropper on 4. A mental block or just incompetence!
@jmarquez: It's 2.00am and I have an idea for a font that won't go away until I get at least an o out. By the time I look up it will be 5.00am. It will be intaglio with a vengeance, if I can pull it off.
Now, if I can just get through a full day of work later today as well. This is what passes for a good time in a middle aged man who's gone past recreation with drugs. Very sad...
I particularly like the 'a' and '2'. Q is the weakest for me.
Great suggestions from GF too. The double stack, the new 7, M, & N. All good.
Simple and solid. I agree with Funk King. Your variety of text faces is outstanding. Younger fontstructors and those new to type design may identify with the obvious flashy display font in lieu of the invisible artistry of a text typeface. I think this is somewhat reflected in the way text faces don't get as much respect in the ratings. And for those that don't know, Intaglio owns the majority of all the Top Picks in the Serif Category.
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