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The culmination of 11 years of cinematic comic book bliss, alas, it is the opening day of the highly anticipated Avengers End Game. This is a tribute to almost all of the characters taking part in the most monumental achievement of interconnected storylines in the Marvel Cinematic Universe spanning 22 films. The list of pixellated heroes:
A: Antman
B: Black Panther
C: Captain America
D: Doctor Strange
F: Falcon
G: Gamora
H: Hulk
I: Iron Man
M: Captain Marvel
N: Nick Fury
P: Spiderman (Peter Parker)
Q: StarLord (Peter Quill)
R: Rocket Racoon
S: Scarlet Witch
T: Thor
V: Vision
W: War Machine
b: Black Widow
d: Drax the Destroyer
g: Groot
h: Hawkeye
m: Mantis
n: Nebula
w: Winter Soldier
!: Hulk Smash again!
...maybe more to come...?
holysssserif this is amazing
@geneus1 - Bravo, sir. Bravo. I wondered how you would top your previous Marvel movie-releated typefaces, and you have certainly outdone yourself today. "Whatever it takes," indeed. :^)
Cool! I can't wait to watch the movie
What a marvel, this is so impressive, fine like a line drawing .......... a well deserved TP, congratulations! That must have taken a lot of time and work, the detail is breathtaking. 10/10
Woah! FTrex, how'd you get that effect on your comment?
@ImmaPooh You can use HTML in comments, and they likely used the <div style="font-family:monospace">style</div> tag and the <div style="font-family:monospace">text-shadow</div> css rule.
darn it my html didn't work
My god.
Don't think I could do that in a lifetime...incredible!!
<font color=#008800>imagine if this worked <i>*wheeze*</i></font>
wait a minute i might have figured it out
maybe typing it wont work
but perhaps nothing stops the INSPECT TOOL
although that takes a bit of time to make :/
How long did this take?!
Amazing! Love it! Keep up the good work! You should add Loki :)
Fantastic work of pixel art. The preview at Pixel level reveals a tiny colour palette: few shades of grey, black and white. H: Lou Ferrigno as Hulk; a nice touch. 10/10
No need to shout. The punctuation makes me cry.
Maybe needs Thanos.
Just testing Inspect here...
It works!
crazy work, so impressive, Bravo!
Brilliant, a tour de force!
I like that movie!
(I love marvel!)
I realy like it!
r:Ronen (i know he isn`t a hero....)
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