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A classical option with a new point of view (the scrape). The LC is different to make more legible the pairs of equals glyphs like FF, TT, CC, OO, EE... IBYP because I'm kerning a lot of them.
A classical option with a new point of view (the scrape). The LC is different to make more elegant the pairs of equals glyphs like FF, TT, CC, OO, EE... IBYP because I'm kerning a lot of them.
A refreshing approach to traditional letter shapes. I love the contrast between the frayed and the straight glyph edges.
Thanks a bunch, compañero!
@meek: You have made me blush once more with the words you have said about this font. Thanks again.
Congratulations on the TP. I like the fuzzy look of these solid chunky glyphs. My favourite is the Â, the Christmas tree.
@meek: Thank you very much, jefe, this was my little ugly duckling.
@nightpegasus: Thanks for your encouraging words.
Just noticed this poster around the corner from my flat. Monokekeh is used for the icons in the background.
(The Picture)
@Rob Meek (meek)
WOW! That’s so cool that our fonts get used like that!
Its not a surprise this popped up in Berlin, It might count as Europes art capitol. :-)
@meek: Thanks a lot, jefe! What a wonderful New Year gift!
@kekeh: Congrats, pal!
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