I am a guy who just likes to make cool fonts and gets ideas from other FontStructors.
Personal URL | https://professortype.com |
Fontstructing since | 7th June, 2022 |
Fontstructions | 357 shared, 0 staff picks |
Shared Glyphs | 56157 |
Downloads | 924 downloads made of this designer’s work |
Comments Made | 4 |
This is what a serif font looks like when you chop the serifs.
This is a clone of Formal RomanThis font has a very long name with 58-76 letters in it, as well as having 512 unique glyphs including a huge B with a line through it, alternative number and letter styles, and most importantly-- special & silly sign symbols to use!!
A simplistic typeface made to use in presentations with random stuff in them (and homework too!)
Look out for other variations of the 109 typeface:
>>109 Assembly
>>109 Slab Text
>>109 Serif
>>109 Pixelated
>>109 Grotesk
>>109 School Text
still a thick font - smartscore font will get thinner!
This is a clone of Smartscore 1240Thick version of Smartscore font.
This is a clone of Smartscore 1245thickest version of Smartscore font - again.
This is a clone of Smartscore 1250Thickest version of smartscore font
This is a clone of Smartscore 1250