by Ohsin

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3x3 pixel font.


Odd : M, W ; Dupes : 2, 5. Again, I miss the minuscules. Any courageous update ?
Comment by dpla 8th march 2013

All right (just 1'608 days after my comment above), I see in the meantime that:

3x3 Enhanced was fontstructed yourself: 1. you changed your mind about "M" and "W" (for a more common/expected style); 2. you duplicated all the uppercase, there again (this lowers greatly the basic Ascii-wise portability, which is a challenge in actual 3x3); 3. you reduced the line height (more coherently); 4. you kept your numerics (all except "8", mirrored) but "2" and "5" build up a new fanciful pair (cf. "MW" before, this time flatter as 3x2); 5. you may have improved on your symbols (I did not check for the moment, but a few look interesting to me, as 'candidates');

3x3 dpc was fontstructed after the latter by the member dpc: 1. it does not introduce a lowercase (all the uppercase is duplicated, agaiin); 2. its numerics are all restored to 3 dots of height ('fixed' "25" pair, but "1" breaks the rule [width of 3] and creates a dupe ["|", while the serifed "l" glyph is available]); 3. the edited symbols look interesting too (let me say, it's all a matter of coherence: style and weight, even of logical hacks).

Comment by dpla 2nd august 2017