
by TomoAlien

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3x3 pixel font...


Well, it will not win a price for it's beauty, but as a pixel font at this small size it's good readable. 7/10
Comment by Frederic F. (Star Script Writer) 4th july 2010
Podoba mi się idea koncepcji. Nie należy wymagać od czcionki czytelności, ważne jest, aby każdy znak był inny, ale nawet jak kolega niżej napisał - w rozmiarze 1:1 wygląda cacy i o wiele czytelniej. Rozmieszczenie w tak małej rozdzielczości jest fajne, choć wiele było już takich pomysłów. Dodaj do tagów "monospaced", gdyż jest to font nieproporcjonalny, jak już pewnie zdążyłeś zauważyć :P. 8/10 za 3x3.
Comment by Neoqueto 4th july 2010
Well done! 3x3 is a very difficult size to work at, and you have some interesting solutions. I especially like the Q and G, and to attempt lowercase at all is very impressive. I know working at such a restrictive size can be painful so here's an extra 'Well done!' for the effort.
Comment by nazlfrag 5th july 2010
Duplicates (that I quickly spot) : M, |(if it were added), Y, k, l, w, x, y, z, 5. Therefore not a

usable micro font, hopefully in the future. Missing many punctuations, and quite more legible digits.

So, a complete redesign would be very interesting. Nice effort (and hang in there) too. BTW @nazlfrag : TomoAlien's letter Q above could use at least two other glyphs (and the one showcased here look like a lowercase or a smallcap) ; TomoAlien's letter G above is ambiguous : it looks like a B or a D (so it's one pixel from being unambiguous…)
Comment by dpla 8th march 2013

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