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P.S. The picture is taken at an early version to show you how the main motif blends with the background. The checkered background, that gives the shiny grey metal finish in PXL view, is made of a single brick tiled all over. I suspect that's the main culprit for this failure. All the troubles started after I painted them on large surfaces.
P.P.S.: I wanted to name this font after Vasarely, or after one of his famous work, Noir et Blanc, but these names are already used for fonts. Gestalt refers to the visual effect, as the meaning emerges from the pattern.
@funk_king: It is not as huge as it looks. The Escher font was probably bigger. As I mentioned, I have repeated the same brick for the background, and that move alone reduced the size by a factor of 4. The problem is with the way FS generates a font, as Master Rob Meek pointed out today (see FS Live). It turned out, the problem is not merely about the number of bricks, but rather the shapes they create. FS doesn't like to compute too many separate contours, black shapes which don't touch each other. And the checkered pattern is just about that. I can only hope he doesn't bear any grudge against me. For I nearly crippled FS with a ton of bricks. Or at least it looked from my laptop: it took 2-3 minutes to move on to the next character. And I dutifully saved after every major steps. It would be comforting to know that FS is impervious to such afflictions, even though they were, doubtless, undesigned. Since Gestalt is now inaccessible, I can't continue to work on it. Cloning is no help this time. I have to go back to an early copy, or start it from scratch. I think, I will do neither. But I had a long thought about the matter, and figured out how to avoid these perils in the future.
frodo, glad to hear you will continue. i can relate to your situation and i've been there and really don't like to think about it. but such as it is sometimes. glad to hear you're shaking it off. Vasarely would be proud of the inspiration he has imparted.
It seems to me that FS community is full of outlandish folk, whose minds work in magic synchronicity.
@Frodo: I connected the horizontal and vertical strokes by concentrating on creating letterforms with the largest squares first, then built the surrounding checkered outlines around them. Kudos on another massive attempt!
Mark Titan
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