The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
@V. Sarela (Yautja) - Wow. Just wow. As one who has dabbled in creating a few movie logo fonts that are much less complex, this is one truly impressive. Congratulations! :^)
@V. Sarela (Yautja) - Sorry for not proofreading, that should read:
"...this _one_ _is_ truly impressive."
Some latin-1 letters are missing accents...
2x2 filters?
@xXx XBox Gamer - The description _clearly_ states that due to the complex nature of the typeface, the missing accents and punctuation may not be completed...
A great futuristic-film kind of design. The accents must be tricky to fit over the letters. Current punctuation is enough for advanced requirements :) @ xBox: some font descriptions make comments unnecessary ;)
Thanks! Yes, 2x2 filters, and yes, missing accents.
Perhaps I should have made it upright, since it's easy to make text italic... But at least it's an exercise in slanted fontstructing.
Hey why don't you do a "Dcs legends of tomorrow" font?
B D E F P R can be Alternates in lowercase,
Also, can you make ' one sinlge line like "
@ xBox:hm, how to say this... why do you need to know if he can make that line?? A good (informative, constructive, supportive) comment is precise; it won't make people wait nor waste time fishing for meanings ;)
@Aeo Yajuta can copy " to ' and delete the second line...
I did wonder about xBox's lines comment. Hopefully our members (kids/ adults/ font designers/ typograpers) who learned English as a second, third or fourth foreign language have time to decipher your encrypted meanings ;)
Italic is really tough when made with fontstructor, and you've really succeeded.
Came here to say what architaraz already said. I've tried making slanted designs in FS several times, and none of them have turned out anywhere near as sleek as this. Very well done.
Can I finish the font for you?
@jlnhlfan OK, I made it clonable.
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