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Starfield & Stripes Copyright 2014 - 2020 Doug Peters. Stars & Stripes composite version. Composite placeholder of a layered font family, where the star background field is on one layer, the stars are on another layer, stripes on another, a background on yet another, and maybe eventually an outline font. There are other possibilities, as well. Each glyph is (of course) the same width as the corresponding glyph in any of the other layers, so that when you duplicate the final edit for a text layer, you simply change the new duplicated layer's font to the chosen layer and then select all and chose your color. This way you can have white stars on navy starfield with red stripes over a white background and a golden outline.  The outline font can be placed underneath for a thin shadow outline, or over all the fonts for a thick, bold outline. And of course, you can choose your own color for each font and only use the layered fonts you want to.

This font reflects the design of the characters with the starfield design & stripes design font layers, and can act as a placeholder for the layered fonts (and has also been nudged over to clear a spot for the outline layer).  Glyphs are the same width and use the exact same kerning.


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It seems that I have been working on this font project forever.  

This is a layered font project that has been eating away at a certain part of my brain for years.  

It is a very simple all caps bold block sans-serif font that uses a starfield and stripes to define the various letters.  Perfect for the upcoming Fourth of July Independence Day celebration for the U.S.A. 

After designing it I wanted to add a version with an outline, which proved incredibly challenging, as I wanted a very thin outline and getting all the thin lined angles right seems impossible, so to circumvent that issue I decided to create a separate layer for the outline.  But to get the kind of outline I desire, I have to create another simple (Regular) background color layer.

If the background can be a separate color, I might as well make the stars a separate layer and then they can use a blue or navy color, and the stripes can be red (or any color) on their own separate layer.  Then I decided to add a stars layer to give even more options for color, texture, opacity and effects settings.   

In order to avoid certain problems, the font is kept simple, bold and strong, and every single glyph in each font layer has the exact same widths.  All font kerning was done exactly the same (work which was reduced by going with the simple sans block lettering idea).

Of course, I am still working on it (taking a break at the moment because I am getting excited about it).  This font takes advantage of the possibilities available in layering specialized fonts in graphic image design that I have myself just discovered and started taking advantage of.

Comment by SymbioticDesign 4th june 2019

OK, I have decided to change certain characters, but I am running out of time to release this before the Fourth of July (Independence Day in the U.S.A).  Plus, I have a lot to do with my font repository at Font-Journal before the 1st of next month, so I am releasing this here now as CC for personal use. 

I don't think there is any way I can release all the different layers (as a commercial font) on time because #1 everyone's Fourth of July Ads must be done by now, and #2 Creative Fabrica shut down my fonts and graphics profile (and I was counting on them for distribution).

So, now I will have to look for a new font shop that will have me (and not delete my designer account because they didn't like my first font submission's text sample imagery, even though they liked the damn font and asked me to resubmit it with new, different text sample images). 

Anyway, you get the idea here, the commercial version has many layered fonts: a solid font (can be used as the white stripes when used as a background), a starfield font (field color with star holes), a stars font (the actual stars), a stripes font (a colored stripes section), and an outline font (possibly for golden trim) that can be used on top (thick border) or underneath (proving a thinner border).

Although I am not done with this font, I think the characters are good basic shapes.  I will taylor it more to my liking in an upcoming version derived from a clone of the various layers of fonts.

I was working real hard on this to get it done as a commercial font in time for the Fourth so that businesses could use it for ads, then I logged into my account at Creative Fabrica and saw there was no designer dashboard anymore.  No shop.  That was SO F'n Depressing, and messed me all up. 

So, I am now looking to address that issue.  If you have a suggestion, let me know.  I will not ever buy another Creative Fabrica font or graphic (and oh yes, I have before).

Comment by SymbioticDesign 30th june 2019

Oh, you don't see the outline here (as a part of this composite font) because there were issues getting that to work with the bricks because in order to get the outline system to work right, all the other layers of fonts had to be slid over half way, and that creates issues I could not get around.

Plus, I am actually still working on the outline font (the last layer to finish unless I add other layers, like a shadow layer font and a plaque layer font.

I hope someone can use it for a block party flyers or backyard Bar-B-Q invitations (but personal use only).

Comment by SymbioticDesign 30th june 2019

Time to add Polish support: Ą, ą, Ć, ć, Ę, ę, Ł, ł, Ń, ń, Ś, ś, Ş, ş, Ź, ź, Ż, ż.
This is not a content font, it is specifically designed as an advert headline/titling font family, so there won't be a lot of punctuation, and some of the crazy letters I will pass over, but most of Latin supplement alphabets I am familiar with (the accented versions of the stuff I use in American English) and the currency signs.  I am trying to reduce my workload since this is the master to a 5 (or 6 or maybe more) font family.

BTW, if anyone knows how to setup font families, that is driving me crazy.  I'm not sure that FontForge or TypeTool is capable of it, now.  Maybe Microsoft VOLT? 

Comment by SymbioticDesign 24th april 2020

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