Published: 27th July, 2012
Last edited: 27th July, 2012
Created: 27th July, 2012
Font from the TI-83+ graphing calculator. Contains most characters, including accented letters and some greek symbols. Link to characters that this font was created from: http://tibasicdev.wikidot.com/83lgfont
Published: 30th December, 2011
Last edited: 30th December, 2011
Created: 30th December, 2011
Clone of bargraph with support for positive and negative bars.This is a clone of bargraph
Published: 30th December, 2011
Last edited: 30th December, 2011
Created: 30th December, 2011
Clone of bargraphPM with bar display for both positive and negative valuesThis is a clone of bargraphPM
Published: 28th December, 2010
Last edited: 28th December, 2010
Created: 9th December, 2010
A morse code with another form, more intuitive than classic form.
Published: 25th October, 2011
Last edited: 23rd November, 2011
Created: 23rd October, 2011
As part of a project for my graphic design course at UWE, our brief was to create a typeface based on a theme. I chose vibration as my theme as I explored my theme I was drawn to line graphs which help record the frequency of sounds. I wanted my typeface to resemble this like it was on an ECG monitor. I also looked at John Skelton’s pinpression typeface which truly inspired my font, having continuous lines connecting all of the characters was very important and finding his work showed me that it was possible. This is my first attempt at creating a typeface and there are still alterations that need to be done.