Published: 5th January, 2012
Last edited: 7th January, 2012
Created: 24th December, 2011
(Still Worked On) All system fonts, characters from TI Calculators. Most of them are "Made-Up" since TI Calculators aren't just like Computers. I'm trying to make this font usable on every Latin-letter Languages. However, I don't exactly know how some of the accent alphabets are supposed to look. For this reason, I'll appreciate it if you find any mistakes or possible improvements on this project.If you have any questions or suggestions, you may add a post on the discussion. I will appreciate if you care to find/tell me any mistakes I made on this font. Thank You! | Catalog: b0.3.1: Modified the block used to create the letters. Also, I added first half of "extra" Latin characters (except for ones with bottom accent marks). | b0.2.2: Added more accent letters, this time with capital letters. | b0.2.1: Added few accent letters (lower only) | b0.1:
Initial Release. Added most of everyday use letters and numbers. || I hate the way Fontstruct don't let line breaks for descriptions. -_-