Published: 6th March, 2009
Last edited: 22nd June, 2009
Created: 4th March, 2009 This fontstruction is made for programmers and coders. It's focused on beeing very small, monospaced and easy to read. It includes many international glyphs. It isn't possible to draw some very exotic letters at this small size, so I abstracted or modified them to still identify them or associate them with the original letter.
The additional information behind 'Pure Prog' have got the following meanings:
12 -> use font-size 12 to see the at original size (although fontstruction says its 16)
5x8 -> capital letters are 5 pixel wide and 8 pixel tall
Pixel -> pixelbased (just consists out of sqaure bricks)
mono -> monospaced/fixed width (every glyph has got the same width)
Normal -> normal version (there are some variantions existing)