Published: 14th December, 2010
Last edited: 1st June, 2011
Created: 3rd December, 2010
Inspired by Neoqueto's LDR MANUFACTURE and Global Village by JoeAllison.
Feedback would be beyond nice!
--This looks like it's about as done as its getting. I'll probably come back now and then to tweak a few letters and/or look at any suggestions though. And more than likely I'll try to add a few more. Enjoy for now though!--
Published: 17th May, 2011
Last edited: 19th July, 2011
Created: 4th April, 2011
Another attempt at using macaroni bricks in a 2x2 grid using what techniques I gained from messing around with CnstrcT and PictoPeeps. Tried for good legiblity at small sizes (it looks a whole lot better when viewing at a small size). Not a very good try, but I do love playing around with it.
Published: 16th April, 2014
Last edited: 15th May, 2014
Created: 5th August, 2013
I loved Yautja's music (can't remember where I found it).
It inspired this font.
The space is a blank length as usual, the ^ and ` are ovals over the baseline, the _ is a short baseline with a circle, the * a long wavey baseline and the , a short baseline with a straight descender.
You can use a "." at the beginning of a sentence if you want that circle instead of the curve.
I liked using the * in place of the space between words to get a long baseline carrying the "melody" of letters .....
Published: 27th August, 2010
Last edited: 1st September, 2010
Created: 27th August, 2010
My first font with the new bricks, maybe its a bit overexcited, but still I like it! I like the uppercase most, but wanted to complete this one.
Published: 11th December, 2013
Last edited: 12th December, 2013
Created: 11th December, 2013
This is for me the best typography i did since now. Its is 5x7 and for me it looks great, so please rate and comment fore more! :)
I invite to take a look to my other works.
Smoothy eh?