At the end of October I decided to dive into the new Bricks 'Connect'. I started with the lowercase 's' & 'a'. Working out what the minimal size I could fontstruct it in, then expanded and condensed it from there to accomadate the rest of the glyths. You can still see these in the font above (Just before the Latin characters. As I progressed I came to love the thin white gaps, and then tried to have every glyth with some element of the curved white gap in it. Some were more successful than others. As you can see, I have included the less preferred options at the end. I've also designed some of the final glyphs in illustrator, as it was impossible to have all of them with one white line, without help from an external app.
The most difficult glyphs to create and ultimately the most satisfying once completed were the 'V' and '~'.
I liked the look of final font so much, that I decided to create a whole family. Cableguynium 0 (which has Zero cables), CableGuynium 2 (which has 1-2 cables per glyth), and CableGuynium 3 (Which has 3-4 cables).
Unusually I struggled naming this font, I have early versions saved called Flowonica, Rubber Tyre, Ice Skater and Fibropticon, ..... eventually settling on CableGuynium as it was the most memorable.