Made as part of the “Found type” project for UWE Bristol. Inspired by the word “Squishy” I explored ‘doughy’ avenues and decided to base a font around first donuts and then finally settled on jam. This font is inconsistent, no one letter is uniformed. It portrays a wet and fluid feel that could be seen in any cookbooks or type for children. I would imagine this font to be useful for a very small audience as it is very specific. It could be used beyond the jam idea and be useful in terms of science fiction as it looks ambiguous out of context of the materials. This is not the finished product and it will be worked on over the next few months.
For the goddess Circe ... Elegant, feminine, joyful, rounded, with a positive swing to it. Working with shapes and 'frames' I made this for the "mix-and-match" set of decorative fonts called CIRCE. The caps can be used as a "majuscle" but might overload visually if used exclusively in a text? The LC are quite legible in smaller sizes. This font is part of a 5-font style set
Subtract is a minimalist typeface, reducing detail to the simplest legible form of each character, using a fluid mix of curved and linear forms for an aesthetic that is refined, uncluttered, precise and stylish.
Elegance in typeface design is usually associated with decorative, scriptive or serif fonts. Subtract takes away from the basic letterform rather than adding.
This is a cloneMy first advanced font, with composite curves!