This is another clone of Monkey (my monospace lanky font); it should be very similar to the original except for the lower x-height and the added accented characters (More Latin/Latin-1, Latin Extended A, Latin Extended B, and now Even More Latin/Latin Extended Additional). It is 16 blocks tall and 6 blocks wide; all letters without diacritics are at most 9 above the baseline and at most 3 below, but the accents push the height of a letter up by 3 blocks (or rarely 4), and the box drawing characters extend even higher, to 16 blocks from descender to the highest point. This font uses the FontStruct 2x2 filter method with plenty of composite and stacked bricks, which lets the curves look good at large sizes while remaining sharp on the screen at normal sizes. Mandrill will look strange in the FontStruct preview if you zoom in or out, but if you download it, it will look sharp at size 16 or 12 (depending on the program).
This is a clone of MonkeyMint LCD Currently covers:
+ Basic Latin
+ Latin-1 Supplement
+ Latin Extended-A
+ Latin Extended-B
+ IPA Extensions
+ Spacing Modifier Letters
+ Cyrillic
+ Cyrillic Supplement
+ Currency Symbols
totalling to over 1,000 glyphs!
I found the original Spheretta-5,7 while looking for "dotty" fonts, to make sure that the font I'm doodling at the moment will look a little different from others on FontStruct. I liked Spheretta and as cloning was allowed by the creator I made some changes as Meek's many innovations enrich our creative thinking **smile** The original font was created in 2011 by arseniiv.
I smoothed the circle, worked into existing glyphs where I thought 'necessary' (nudges, ~re~moved some dots in glyphs or added dots to reduce some gaps).
Comparing parent and clone: changes are a smoother circle, a few symbols, the Lower Case for Basic Latin and most Latin1 positions, some operators/symbols are available with as well as without the UC circle. And that I have broken the 5x7 rule in some glyphs to improve their lines.
In the LC glyph style (no circle) you have: full stop, comma, all quotation marks on Basic Latin and Latin1, apostrophe, asterisk, plus, minus, solidus, colon, semicolon, percentage, less, more.
The low line is a blank circle; decorative dot arrangements inside a circle are on the tilde, left square bracket, grave accent.
The original (with a circle) can be found here: the "?" is on "{", the "!" on "}", the "-" on "reverse solidus, the "=" on "]"
I've added arseniiv's name and this parent-Fontstruction's year of creation on the first letter of the ""Even More Latin"" band, then added mine on the second letter on the same band. Feel free to add more glyphs (and your name and creation year, following ours), arseniiv allowed cloning so that we can add to his work. I follow his idea; and like him I, too, can't find enough time to continue working on Spheretta-5,7 for the next months. It would be great to see Spheretta-5,7 grow some more ...
This is a clone