The culmination of 11 years of cinematic comic book bliss, alas, it is the opening day of the highly anticipated Avengers End Game. This is a tribute to almost all of the characters taking part in the most monumental achievement of interconnected storylines in the Marvel Cinematic Universe spanning 22 films. The list of pixellated heroes:
A: Antman
B: Black Panther
C: Captain America
D: Doctor Strange
F: Falcon
G: Gamora
H: Hulk
I: Iron Man
M: Captain Marvel
N: Nick Fury
P: Spiderman (Peter Parker)
Q: StarLord (Peter Quill)
R: Rocket Racoon
S: Scarlet Witch
T: Thor
V: Vision
W: War Machine
b: Black Widow
d: Drax the Destroyer
g: Groot
h: Hawkeye
m: Mantis
n: Nebula
w: Winter Soldier
!: Hulk Smash again!
...maybe more to come...?
042718. Opening Day of The Avengers Infinity War. It’s been a while since I’ve released a Superhero movie font, but this one brings to life my entire childhood exposure to the Marvel Universe. Over ten years now, each movie is getting deeper and deeper into the reality of each character. Looking back, I’ve got fontstructions for most of the Avengers: Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, and now Thor, and Black Panther. All of them in tribute to these heroic symbols translated into glyphic abstract symbols. Thank you comic books, for drawing me into these creative spaces.
042718. Thor Ragnarok is the funniest of all the Marvel films. I can watch it over and over. There is so much respect for Jack Kirby’s art style all over land of Sakaar. Growing up I never really appreciated Kirby’s artwork, as I leaned toward more graphically detailed artists. It wasn’t until much later that I recognized his great contributions to the entire language of visual expression in sequential art. I’m sorry I didn’t create this for the opening, but here it is for Avengers Infinity War.
Recreation of the pixel font from Probe Software/U.S. Gold's "The Incredible Hulk" (1994) on the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Sega Master System, and the SNES.
Note that the SNES version has a different copyright symbol. This recreation only includes the copyright symbol from the Sega versions.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
Recreation of the additional pixel font from Probe Software/U.S. Gold's "The Incredible Hulk" (1994) on the SNES.
This font is used for the options menu, and the in-game score/status bar.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.