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Decided to whip out Paint and draw some ideas for lowercase letters
Some suggestions: Use the [Ω] and [I] to make the [b], [d], [p], and [q]
Widen the [s] a little, it looks a bit too narrow
Try using pieces of the Cyrillic [Ж], [У], [Ч], and [Ф] alongside the [§] and [&] to build the curves of the [g], [h], [k], [m], [n], [r], [t], [u], [x], and [y].
link to it?
Incomplete, considering I drew this in MSPaint first, but have enough for you to build upon
Just now finished the f, p, t, and z
UPDATE: [a] and [s] have been redone; [æ], [ø], [œ], [ð], and [þ] finished
Up next: [v], [x], and [y]
[x] and [ł] finally complete! Next up, the Greek alphabet
Already started the Cyrilic?
I just finished [π] and still working on the Greek letters
Wow, good work on the [ξ], and the cyrillic lowercase is looking good too!
We still need to make [α] and [χ], then the greek lowercase will be complete
Also I need to know: Are you planning to redraw the [g]?
[δ], [ζ], and [λ] all finished! Also [ϕ] and [ε] have been revised
kinda redrawing the g into an double-storey g.
Just started to draw one out, will hopefully have it done tonight
Just finished it now
Next on the agenda, implementing the IPA, and finishing up the cyrillic lowercase.
Also, I don't really like the look of the [χ], so I'm gonna try to revise it first
Alright, just finished revising the [ц] and [щ] to have descenders.
Also just realized that I accidentally made the script [g] a square too tall, but I discovered it was super easy to correct with just one move ^
Just finished [и], [й], [м], [щ], [ц], and [ь]
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