The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
This font is not a direct clone of Sonic 1 Act Text (licensed under OFL) but this version is a major redesign that sets itself apart from the original.
Based on: Sonic 1 Act Text and DIN 1451 (the latter is a minority).
Downloading of font is disabled because of a spate of incidents.
SONiC Classic Font Family © Vienna Binders. All rights reserved.
The FontStructions that are created and/or made available on this Site are the copyrighted work, of the respective creator.
1 Comment
Comment's section has been temporarily closed until 14 May on the grounds of comments asking me to change the license to the OFL on the claims of "Sonic One Pro is a clone of Sonic 1 Act Text".
Let me be clear on this font and how to differenciate between cloning directly, and "cloning with New Fontstruction".
When you clone a Fonstruction, this label is present underneath the font name:
"Cloned from Fontname by Username"
Since this font is created using "New Fontstruction" the "Cloned from Fontname by Username" is not shown.
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